Thursday, January 17, 2013

the Backwards RIder Show 1.17.13 3:22PM

Vancouver Native medical Clinic 
Larry, Richard Johnson
Office Manager, Tina Braun

Home | Vancouver Native Health Society
To improve and promote the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health of individuals, focusing on the Aboriginal community residing in Greater Vancouver.
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449 East Hastings Street  Vancouver, BC V6A 1P5
(604) 255-9766
Contact Us - Programs & Services - About Us

Thursday January 17, 2013
Dr. Cho 604879-4551

Carnegie VP, PC LAB 8:02PM-9:00PM, Boomer made 1 coconut water 330ml donation on site, Cathe Smith, Rider #5

Return of the Backwards Bicycle  (Yellow)
Today Ben he was on the street of downtown Vancouver and saw a dude on the bicycle riding it when he then verbally told him to dismount right away because that is my friends (Backwards Rider) bicycle he said.

Ben had just left me messages at the Open Door but by that time I had already left the building to get to the Carnegie. As I was on the phone with Ben he made up his mind to meet me in 6 minutes to return my bicycle that was donated to me by Jimmy a bicycle enthusiast.

Ben brought one of the Backwards Rider prototypes that I had stored on his boat some 2month ago and went missing from (Queensborough) 22nd Station.

As I left the Carnegie all I can see in my mind was Ben and the ride coming up the slight hill on Hastings and behold just as I imagined this here he was coming walking the bicycle in hand. I Thank Ben and stood talking for atleast 5 minutes before we both had to depart and go our separate ways but not before reaffirming that we are still solid friends and our connection is more real still. When I got the bicycle in my hand I said bye bye to Ben and began to walk to my workshop were I have

Thank you Captain Ben

UGM 5:45PM-7PM, John, Sylvan
Open Door Group
Main St. Science World
UGM/ SPN Client waited as with his cane because of missing lunch-past struggle with equal custody of their children.

Safari Cafe
Cobalt Hotel
Simon Frazer Mall
North Surrey Recreational Centre

 Meet Ups
Livi Vandorn
Cathe Smith

Marlee Kira, Nick Bailey, Veronica Campbell more...
Backwards Rider Invited a dance Saturday 6:15PM
Shared by Montana King Artist and Poet
 Nature is my Divine Judge
15 months probation, 50 hours of Community work does not compare to the sentence of knowing that I will receive divine justice in due time...
 As long as Oppressors of  land, destroyers of air and sea water are doing the work of their stepfather (Lucifer), knowing this sets us free from bondage. I personally would detest knowingly taking any of their jobs or offers.

Galactic Federation of Light JANUARY 11 2013 Centaurian Anitheiess Jackson

Galactic Federation of Light JANUARY 13 2013 Centaurian Anitheiess Jackson

viewofthismomentviewofthismoment· 195 videos
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Published on 13 Jan 2013
The lasting changes of the new energy upgrades from the new Earth are being disbursed into your sacred world now, as you are realizing the end to the long reign of fear on your planet, as the entrance of unconditional love is here and now, all to be embraced into this eternal moment. We of the angelic realms, of the Galactic Federation of Light are making sure to bring a full return of the consciousness and source that is to be restored in those of you that are from our galactic community, here to then transition into a higher dimensional existence. As you can sense by now, the evolution of Prime Creator is endless, and continues to go on through the vast amount of space, and eternal glory that remains here in this moment. Are you seeing it all clearly now, that you are to then return to your natural divine self, where you are feeling upgraded into a state that allows you to be fully activated in all of your DNA? The long studies that have gone on by your civilizations has had a pattern in the cycles of chaos, confusion, wars, and suffering, and we as a team of light are here to see an end to this way of living, for a new and gracious way of existing. Consciously, you are then allowed to vibrate into a higher dimensional existence where the fear that you once held tight to as real, is then being greatly replaced by comfort, and peace inside of your being.

This immediate return to full consciousness is in your commitment to continue to uphold the light, and to then release all doubt in who you are as the newly awakened ascended masters here on this planet, here to restore the divine nature in all of creation. Through your role as an awakened being of light, you are then helping to rise the vibrations of this entire planet, then bringing a sense of complete harmony, and abundance to be felt here, all from inside of you. From your own intention to continue to harmonize with these new incoming energies from the Central Galactic Sun , then you are advancing further on your return to an awakened state of living, all from your own dedication, and patience in your ascension process. The level of dedication, strength, and light source that you embrace as you then climb into a higher awareness of source, is then where you are continuing to feel more of the graceful energies in your own body. This is where it all starts, and it is where you are then allowing your natural intelligence of your own being to be brought forth to be felt, and seen, as you then realize that this gentle shifting in energies on this new Earth is helping you to feel a sense of completion. In how you are continuing to have minor body pains from these shifting vibrations, as they seem to come from nowhere, there is still a shifting taking place, in which you are being activated still in your own consciousness.

Beyond all doubt in the true nature of your own Christed self, you are then surrendering completely, all fear based existence, to then step into a divine nature, where only you are able to feel the strength that is given to you, in your own awakening process. That is why it is important, that you are respectful of your own ascended beings of light, of the Galactic Federation of Light, of your angelic guardians, as you are sensing the importance of our open communication with you, as newly awakened star seeds, and light workers. From the balance that you step into, as you then harmonize with the divine light of all of creation, all inside of you, then there are no limits to your own creations, as you will see, how in an advanced, and fully conscious state of being, then you will be gifted to help to build planets, and all types of life forms. These are a few of the new upgrades to be done to your own bodies, as you return to the Inner Earth light conscious chambers, then helping to return you to a state of full consciousness, in a complete stage of physical upgrades, as part of your completion of your mission in duality. These many lifetimes have in no way been easy for you, and your continual patience through this whole process is to be celebrated, as there are indeed many celebrations set to happen in Inner Earth, where you are then able to see the glory of your planet on the inside.

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